Today a new version of Aurora server was released. You can grab your copy by clicking
HERE . The version is already pre-complied for you. For instructions on how to connect to aurora, please visit the the
Some major changes were made, to the backend technology. Aurora uses it's own script engine now ( No rubust, no Xengine, its now called Aurora.Server and for what we've been told, its blazing fast. (Estimated 4-7 times more speed than OSG , but don't pin us on these numbers, mileage may still vary depending on your machine & network infrastructure).
Above means that there is no OSG compatibility any longer, so connecting to the OSgrid with an aurora server will be impossible (at start it looked like aurora was maintaining compatibility, but they chose their own path now). If you create a setup for Aurora, make sure to use different databases for OSG and Aurora, so you dont find yourself in a world of pain. Keep posted on updates, as the Aurora team changes builds faster than you change underwear. Also the Login process is about to change, we will post more updates when we have relevant news on it.
We also found 1 tiny issue. If you import an OAR, you become the creator of all prims you imported. So a humble apology to all the OSG creators, if you have problems with us having your creations on one of our Aurora regions, without you being labeled as the creator, feel free to notify us. Don't worry about any -*RDS*- stuff you have. As long as you do not SELL our builds, you can do as you please with them, and we don't mind our name not being there as creator. Early christmas present, in the form of No Hassle.
Other news :
NotePad++ updated to support LSL a bit better.
Please check the response from a member of the Aurora Development team
HERE for the "Inside Facts" on above article. Credits & Thnx to WhiteStar Magic.