Due to OSgrids DJ's coming from allover the world, the song choices are always a surprise. What you might not know, is most of the Event DJ's also run party's at their own regions. Yesterday i got invited to a party at Trancelucid club, hosted by DJ Kawaii. She mainly plays dance, trance and club music, and since i'm a 'slave to the beats', i had a blast. Sunday mornings usually have party's at "The Alternative" where DJ Lanani streams a variety of easy going tunes.
If you are more into Live Music, try to visit OSgrid on Sunday evening, and check up on the Maritime club on Belfast region, which hosts the longest running "live music event" in the Grid. They feature various musicians and singers streaming live concerts straight into your viewer. On Tuesdays you can find live performers at the Almost Islands.No need to be ever bored, always something playing or coming up shortly.