All red dragon regions have been updated to the latest and greatest build. We also pushed over the old V8 builds to the hosted server, so you don't drop in oblivion unless its weekend when you TP there. So as of today all 18 regions will be online 24/7. The main travel center at Red Dragon Club was updated with the newest places to explore, the others will be updated soon. All regions are voice enabled so you can yap with your friends when exploring the huge underground shops stores and galleries. If you love the music on these regions, find a web player here. The downloads section had some broken links removed, and some new added. Also the About Us page got an update, so you can find Red Dragon in "other worlds" as well.
If for some reason you rather use teamspeak than vivox, or need a more secure and encrypted channel to talk on, you can hit our Red Dragon Teamspeak channels on :
9997 password: Reddragon
Please do not disturb the players in other RD channels. The public OSG channel can be used at will, the private channels are encrypted. Passwords are found in their descriptions. Red Dragon also exists as a kinship (LOTRO) and Tank division (WOT), hence the teamspeak channel. On the Steam communities were found here. So if not building, we "Game on".