We Survived ....
Realeased by CyberBohemia 12-09-2012
Dear Friends,
At 22.12.2012, starting 20:00 UTC (21:00 GMT, 12:00 SLT), we plan to celebrate our survival of the 21.12. apocalypse with a great dance- and sandbox party on Cyberbohemia. DJ Galen will stream a very special mix of progressive trance, his personal collection of his absolute favourite songs of the last years.
Maybe with this party we can establish a new kind of virtual world parties, the "sandbox party". Cyberbohemia will be open to build for everybody during this night, so please bring all your favourite party toys and gadgets, and lets have a crazy night full of joy together, under the motto "We survived" :)
The party will take place on region Cyberbohemia in the Metropolis grid, hypergrid url: hypergrid.org:8002:Cyberbohemia
We are looking forward to celebrate this special event with you.
P.S. The event will be cancelled in case of the apocalypse on 21.12.2012.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Google +

Osgrid has a large community. Users are scattered around the grid, often building on their own local sims and projects. Apart for the Plaza's which typically harbour "live" residents, you either have to look at the "People inworld" list when logged into OSgrid's webpage, scroll the map, or search off-grid to get in touch with people from it's community. Here's some links to get you started if you like meeting other OSG residents :
OSgrid on Google+ This page has been suspended by google, but recently i got an invite, so it looks like its no longer suspended and running again.
http://www.osgrid.org Homepage :
Offers downloads, forums, and links to get in touch with admins via mail, IRC or twitter. Also when you login to the site, you get options like empty trash, reset avatar, look who's inworld and where your friends are etc.
OSgrid on Twitter. This is also visible when you login to OSG in the viewer splash-screen. Handy for quick updates on whats new.
OSgrid News Important details on the simulator releases and config changes. If you host your own regions, you want to keep track of this page.
For more links, blogs, tools, scripts, generators, OAR's and other OSG - opensim related information, scroll down on this page, to the links section. It's just below all the rants and pictures. There are many nice goodies to be found there, and tons of interesting material from many OSG residents and creators. Enjoy !
* Broken links ? Feedback ? Submit your own Blog / Link(s) ? Get in touch. -> Mind we publish Opensim / OSGrid related material only. We don't sell viagra's, real estate casino's and loans.
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