The recovered drive has been shipped from the recovery service to the data center.
No ETA yet on when the data center will receive the recovered drive or have it online for us.
Both new asset servers have successfully passed the first tests hosting OSgrid regions.
Lbsa Plaza and Sandbox Plaza 2 successfully connected to the new asset servers.
OARs were loaded successfully, and assets replicated to both asset servers as expected.
Dan Banner and Allen Kerensky were both able to login to the regions, configure their basic avatars, then hypergrid out to other servers successfully and hypergrid from other servers into the new OSG regions successfully.
OSgrid restart is getting closer but there is still no specific date or ETA as we test this entirely new asset service. Once the current testing rounds of failover, failback, and backup/restore are complete to all admins’ satisfaction including finalized checklists and documentation, we may be able to offer a tentative ETA for restoring service.
Things are looking more positive, and hopefully we can soon go "home". Despite the no ETA this is positive news. Now it's fingers crossed, and hope the data on the drives is usable.