Here's a shortlist of services that are currently live and available :
http://www.reddragonclub.nl/ Main (Nothing here yet, just a temp landing page ).
http://teamspeak.reddragonclub.nl/ Teamspeak server
http://stream.reddragonclub.nl:8000/ Shoutcast sever
ftp://ftp.reddragonclub.nl/ FTP server (Members only)
Other links are available on http://www.madfoxx.net/ which is the main domain linking to all these pages. That page is a work in progress, and is likely to change a lot in the next few weeks / months. For now it links to all "Red Dragon" pages & services, and has a live chatbox.
Pretty soon all DNS forwarders pointing towards the Madfoxx.nl domain will become obsolete. If you use any of those old URL's you will end up at MadFoxx.net, which likely lists what you needed in the first place. '

For now, and on behalf of Red Dragon Nite Club and its members :
"All the best for 2015 to you, and all those you love".