Yen-Yang stylish |
Just some random picca's of the various area's in the Red Dragon Nite Club. Currently our sims contain 7 area's / clubs, each with their own style and atmosphere. From stylish modern trendy dancehall to chillout bluerooms. Various podia and stages, 16 fully decorated hotelrooms, a 100+ seat conference room are available for your leisure.
Chillout area "BlueRoom" |
Linedancing & ballroom area's are under construction. So are plans for a decent pool. After all, a good club needs a pool... Still 3 full sim floors to build on, so we will try to put that in someday. (Building is slow lately, were busy with a lot of other stuff).
Linedance area should arise here |
Were currently one version behind on the
Latest OSG version, and likely to update next weekend.
We still could use some good (scripts for) linedances. Anyone ?
Were slowly buiding new area's in Red Dragons main building, on the upperfloors. Likely these will become only accessible by teleporters.
Where at a whopping 17K prims, so when TP-ing in, give the sim a minute to load.