< leTwitch> The news is, there really isn't much new to tell. Three different organizations spread geographically all over Texas are all struggling with a broken raid volume. We get two steps forward and one back; be patient. There really isn't a good way to give an eta on work like this; once we can certify that we have the volume back in a readable form, then we can start pinning down certain tasks and registering progress. Even then, ETA's will be just that *estimated* time to arrival.
< leTwitch> The real showstopper at this juncture is that the data recovery folks can see the data, but when they ship it to the data-center and we get it hooked up to the server, we cant. So right now what’s happening is a straight up dump of the paths and directories to a big volume (single partition). The last thing that didn't work for us was a set of partition copies. The thing we’re doing now is the last trick up the sleeve of the engineer doing the data recovery; if this doesn't work, we’ll be left with nothing more to do than rebuild the server and start rebuilding from archives. My understanding is, we don't pay anything if they don't get our stuff back, so if that's how it winds up, we’ll be talking with them about getting back what we have already paid them.
< leTwitch> so if nothing else, the end of the waiting will soon come to pass.
< leTwitch> we’ll be moving forward one way or another.
< leTwitch> Heh, I guess that is news of a sort.
< leTwitch> o/
source : http://news.osgrid.org/

So keep fingers your fingers crossed, and be patient. OSG will not be back next weekend though. If you moved your stuff to metro for the time being, please read the topic below.
If you want to keep up to speed with every update, check this forum topic maintained by Lani Global. Oh, and on forums, don't feed the trolls please....