Friday, January 11, 2013

Last weeks Town Hall meeting - The future of OSG

The asset issues mentioned in the previous topic appear to have been resolved or mostly gone away. This might have been the aftermath of OSgrid having moved to a different server, which for the rest has been a smooth transition thanks to the tameless effort of the OSgrid admins. Gossip and rumours about the reason of this transition were debunked in last weeks OSG town hall meeting.

If you are a regular OSGrid visitor but never / rarely attend the town hall meetings, but you do care for this grid and it's community (like myself), i really suggest you read last weeks log. Find it HERE . Mind you will not find the usual tech talks. It's pretty much discussing the future of OSgrid.... 
It will also prepare you to be able to understand better if /when/why changes take place.
Note: No panic, the grid will not change or seize to exist tomorrow, but a lot is going on for the guys running & maintaining it.

OSG will likely soon call on it's community, and i'm pretty convinced the community is happy to pick up the call. There are very creative and intelligent people in "our" grid and we are with many. 
You can start helping here, but for what i understand other input is highly appreciated as well. The best place for suggestions is likely the OSG forums or for quick replies, try IRC

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