The metaverse is buzzing with activity lately, despite it being holiday season. OSgrid has welcomed its 100.000th user, and in 2 weeks the OSG7B events will take place. A lot of nice display builds have arisen on the 3 VAR display regions. If you want to participate in the festivities held at Event Plaza by performing, DJ-ing, or providing other forms of entertainment, you can sign up in the OSG forums

A new club called Greeklife opened it's doors, you can visit their display on OSG7BE region, or visit the club directly by finding HRA CLUB on OSgrids map. They run weekly events on Thursday evenings if i recall correctly. Your host Envoy Nikos from Greece, and the Dutch DJ Yoshi Noizumeka will entertain you. This means you can party in OSG at least 5 days a week, in different venue's now. And if you think, mehh these party's have 4 dead boring quiet AV's and a bot, you might try and
visit some, and be surprised.
A while ago i posted the URL of Planatex Radio, this has been moved and is to be found in the player section of
sunlight radio as of now. The OSgrid
troubleshooting document has been moved to the "
help"page. The downloads page needs some love, but since it's tedious work it will likely take a while.
Opensimulator conference has extended it's deadline for proposals until today, so if you want to participate you heed to hurry and hit
this URL. You can also still become a
crowdfunder ,
sponsor or a
volunteer. There still looking for greeters, moderators, stream and tech supports, etc.
A very interesting article i read is found on
hypergrid buisiness It was posted last week, about
Fernando Olivira writing a tool to enable his users to backup OAR's straight into dropbox, which i think is a very nice feature to have.
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