
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Regions Updated

The quiet months are almost over. In summertime it´s always a little slower in the Metaverse, Less people attend the various party´s, and the general `online` population shrinks with about a third, as hanging at the beach in RL & having late barbecues has it´s charms as well.

Dan Banner
Dan the Man
Looking back on this summer, loads of changes have been made in the grid´s back-end configuration, and this always brings glitches and tiny nuisances along. But at least there is progress. Due to careful monitoring of the grid by in particular Mr. Banner, potential catastrophic events have been prevented. This did result in the grid being `disabled` a couple of times, but this didn't spoil the fun. And again, for all you doomsday figures out there, the grid did not crash a single time. Monitoring indicated an issue, and the admin took preventive measures to ensure nothing exploded, and disabled assets,  inventory & logins to prevent any damage. Good job on that, as eventually after a long diagnostics run, a disk was replaced.

OSG9B was a success, despite the logins being disabled for some hours on the opening party. Hurray for the Hypergrid, as we still partied hard anyways. Various pictures and video's can be found on the OSG9B collection in my G+ Profile.  If you have more media to share, feel free to mail me a link, and i will add it to that page for historical reference.

Today all 20 Red Dragon Regions have been updated to the latest version released 7 august, and all are running as expected. Firestorm issued a new release of it's viewer, with some feature enhancements for VAR regions, audio and some other stuff. more info HERE.

You have 2 more weeks to visit the OSG9B regions, before they will be permanently archived and taken down. They are located around event plaza, and if you have not visited them yet, you're missing out. There is a lot of very nice free stuff available, and the builds there are definitely worth your time.

Every Saturday there is a Resident Meeting on Wright Plaza. If you have brilliant suggestions or questions on any OSG related subject, feel free too attend and share your thoughts / ask what you need to know. It's a good way to keep up to speed inworld, with all that's happening in the grid.

On a final note, a goodbye / Farewall to a friend, Mr Bill Windwalker, aka Xstorm Radek. Many years he visited Red Dragon in both SL and OSG, and being a mentor he helped out hundreds if not thousands of users inworld. He has left the metaverse, and I wish him all the best for the future. "You might not return, but will not be forgotten".  That's all for now.

NB: Possibly the URL of this Blog will change in the near future, as i plan to hook it to it's "own" domain name. You will be redirected when it happens. (first need to fix some certificate stuff for it).