
Saturday, September 12, 2015

OSgrid Rocks

It's always somewhat exciting launching a "new" event. Did we generate enough "buzz" to make people aware of it, will people pick up on it, and will they like it. You never know in advance.

I don't know the exact number of visitors we welcomed yesterday, but it was a heartwarming amount of avatars, especially for OSG standards. The first OSG Friday party appeared to be successful.

I'd like to thank Dorothea and JayMaze for their continued support, our great host team Mattie, Ni, Alya, and Jazzy for tending to all visitors and friends, Lani for making the great posters, and especially LadyJo and Dan who did an incredible amount of work "behind the scenes" to get this event launched and make it a success. And thank you as well. Without you, visitors, friends, and friends to be, we would not be able to share all the fun.

As it is the first in a weekly series of parties, things will change over time. We have a lot of fun idea's for the future, and will gradually implement those in the next weeks/ months. As of next week, our hosts will invite visitors into the OSG Friday Party group, Mind there is no obligation to join, but if you want to know "whats cooking", joining the group is the best move to stay informed.

So far for yesterdays news. Wednesday the 23rd of September a goodbye party organised by Tirza Ember of Hypergrid Safari will be held for parting lead developer Justin Clark Casey. It's held on Event plaza 1-3 PM grid time. You can find a poster on Event plaza Landing zone. If you want to thank him in person for enabling you to exist in here, feel free to join.