
Saturday, May 31, 2014

OSG7B OSgrid turns 7

OSgrid turns 7 this year, and as usual they have a couple of regions prepared for displays of it's inhabitants. The events are held on 26th and 27th of July. Red Dragon participated last minute in the past OSG6B edition, so this year we decided to be the first to put a small display build there. Sneak preview picca.

Since it was only announced last week, there is no schedule for events as yet, but this will likely take shape in the next weeks. The fastest way to obtain a plot is to get in touch with one of the admins. Currently the west region has a few spots left, on east there is still plenty of room.  I expect a topic to emerge on OSG forums about events soon, and will post the schedule here as soon as i obtain it. So come have your cake and eat it, at OSG7B. You can find the regions to the left and right of event plaza on the map.

The troubleshooting document in my previous post was well received, and has been edited and corrected on certain points. its at rev 1.3 now and work on it will continue overtime.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Troubleshooting your Region setup

Yet another troubleshooting guide for OSgrid. Mind this is not a setup guide. It more or less lists errors and common mistakes that occur during the region creation process, making people having a hard time getting their regions operating. It doesn't explain how to setup, it explains what possibly went wrong, and what you can try to fix it. Since i'm not some technical documentation writer, apologies in advance for my non-native english interpretations of your language and OSG's inner workings :).

The document tries to address the most common issue,  people seeing their region on the map (meaning your pc was able to upload a maptile to the grid, nothing more) but they cannot teleport to their region. They followed the setup guide, all looks jolly.... but it doesn't work. Than what ? Wade through 5 years of forum posts and google ?

Try this document. No guarantees, but it might have a pointer. You can find the document here on my Google Drive (word document) This is just a first revision, I hope to make it a useful, less chaotic and more elaborate document which can be used when stuck, so feel free to add / edit / correct where applicable. There is a NC version available in OSG for those interested. By the time this is a decent document, i will post it to forums etc. (see the Help button in the menu ?)

One last tip for region owners that "were running fine for years and now they have issues" OSG uses a lot more resources than when on pre- 0.7.6 builds, and if you expand content and update occasionally you might be hitting system limits somewhere. In any case wipe & manually configure your ini's on a latest version  if you keep running stuck.

If the above helped you out, and you're eternally grateful, or want to give back, you can do so here. Thanks on behalf of everyone in the grid.

This week travel sweetspot is Luna Parc of the French community. Check the Planatex Radio region, or just listen to their beats on this page. Find a picture of their regions below, might want to go check the regions from upclose for yourself.