
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Off and On

As usual in summertime, Foxx spends less time on OSgrid, and more time elsewhere. As a fanatic gamer I've spent quite some time in LOTRO ( The lord of the rings Online ) which you can play for free. (also available via Steam btw).
Red Dragon now also exists as a kinship in LOTRO, located on withylwindle server. You can find our kinship webpage here : Since Riders of  Rohan will be released in 3 weeks, my summer abcense might be a bit longer than usual. ( Mounted combat and fresh Trolls to whack).

In case your dutch, and like to be in a dutch kinship, try in which my "main" character (a level 75 champion) is officer and webmaster. Next to LOTRO we also play Battelfield ( Still BC2 ), Skyrim (cool), Civilisation (for old times sake), the GTA series, World of Tanks (gotta love Tanks! )  and some other games (days seriously need more hours....).  So far for the heads up on my "Missing Avatar".

In the few hours i am online in OSG (mainly weekends) you can likely find me hanging at LBSA, D&J's friday party on close encounters region, or building on Red Dragon club. (still 3 floors to fill).

OSG is almost back at 10.000 sims, of which you can be sure they were online in the past 3 weeks. (else they would have been purged from the map). Make sure to checkout the machinima Vid of OSG5B by Cyberbohemia in case you missed all the party's. Also grab a copy of the latest OSgazet which reports on the OSG5b celebrations. You can still join the weekly town hall meetings for the latest news, or compete in the speed building contest or primwords. Info on those events can be found at LBSA plaza, or by talking to one of the admins. Fresh updates on OSG related stuff will follow soon.